Posts tagged Europe
Ukraine Trip Blog Day 3

“As Ananias was to Paul after his conversion (Acts 10) we are here with you in that hope for your encouragement. Paul emerged from his time with Ananias ‘strengthened’ and we pray the same will be true for you because we were together with the Lord among us.” With these words, Tom Boone, Associate Director for Mission, opened the resiliency retreat in Kyiv. Hosted by Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS), a team of 11 from the United States, Poland, and Lithuania gathered with 43 military chaplains, pastors, and their wives. For three days we shared stories, prayed, and learned about trauma and PTSD during the war in Ukraine. Three ballistic missile threats caused our phones to alarm during the day, but praise be to God, the retreat was shielded from night attacks, which meant three nights of undisturbed sleep.

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