China Partnership Update: Expanding Our Reach

Expanding Our Reach

The Evolving Friendship With Chinese Christians and Their Inspiring Work of Faith, Hope, and Resilience

The story goes that David had reached a point where his morale had become very low, yet rather than run or become dejected, he chose the way of hope.

Sharing their wounds

Our long-term friendship with Christians in China is witnessing fresh developments in a context of adversity. This October, The Outreach Foundation fielded two teams totaling 19 people from 11 congregations and four denominations. We witnessed a church sharing the people’s adversity while persevering in hope. We heard of adult baptisms in the hundreds, ministry among young adults, and families committed to raising their children in the Christian faith.

A few highlights point to our path forward in China.

Expanding the territory

For nearly 30 years, our focus has centered around the Jiangsu Province. This year, we were grateful to receive official greetings from Rev. Pan Xingwang (Zhejiang Provincial China Christian Council & Three-Self Patriotic Movement or CCC&TSPM Chairman and President of Zhejiang Seminary), Rev. Xu Yulan (Shanghai Municipal CCC&TSPM Chairman), Rev. Yan Zheng (Wuxi Municipal Chairwoman) and Nanjing Union Theological Seminary Vice President Li Jiangyue and Dean Dr. Wen Ge. In each case, fresh opportunities to express our friendship were highlighted, and we look forward to receiving these leaders in 2025.

Amity Foundation: a deepening bond

Since its founding in 1985 by Bishop K. H. Ting, Amity’s vision has remained a Bible in the hand of every Chinese person and an opportunity for every Chinese Christian to serve others in God’s love. We were welcomed warmly by Board Chair Mr. Qiu Zhonghui, General Secretary Ms. Ling Chunxiang, and Vice General Secretary Ms. She Hongyu. Our conversations focused on opportunities to visit and join in their various social projects in China. Though our team placed last, we were delighted to play in their first international table tennis tournament. Ms. She said, “Even though you knew you would not do well, you came and played, and you showed great spirit. Thank you for the way you expressed the spirit of friendship.” Outreach donors strongly supported the work of Amity, and we look forward to receiving their leaders in 2025.

Christian Communications Ltd (CCL): a strategic and wise partner

We spent a few days in Hong Kong visiting with Matthew Fung, Director of CCL, and his team. They were exceptional hosts! CCL is reaching into nearly every province on the mainland and equipping pastors, teachers, and lay leaders with contextualized tools for their work. Among the highlights of this year’s visit was spending time with emerging leaders who spoke to us about the importance of the West’s friendship with China. Quoting a 19th-century missionary to Hong Kong who brought the founder of modern-day China to Christ:

“Had I done as I have known some others to do, and never traveled with Chinese on the same boat or had lived in a fine missionary compound, I should never have been privileged to have baptized Sun Yat-sen. May the Republic of China live and be governed by Chinese who have drunk in the best of our civilization and religion.” (memoir from C.R. Hager)

Thanks be to God for CCL, which provides the bridge for our desire to be good friends to Chinese Christians. The Lord is expanding His family through the faithful and fully contextualized work of CCL.

Understanding Sinofication (Sinicization)

It was helpful to hear from the Chinese Christians themselves about their efforts around Sinofication, which is the work to particularize Christianity within a Chinese context. In nearly every visit, leaders spoke of the need to reframe the Christian faith to elevate concepts, vocabulary, imagery, and theological emphases that make for smoother adoption of the faith by Chinese. Far from speaking disparagingly about the influence of Western thought on Christian faith in China, they spoke favorably about the early work of missionaries. They celebrated with us the work of missionaries like C.R. Hager, John Leighton Stuart, Lottie Moon, John Nevius, and Arthur Smith. Yet they point out that the time has come for a “Chinese Church” to emerge, marked not by another form of nationalism, but with themes that will help more Chinese understand and embrace how Jesus is for them, too.

How we can pray

The story our friends in China want us to hear is that they are enduring in these times, that Jesus’s message of hope is spreading, and that they value our commitment to showing up. The Christians in China are sharing the wounds of their people, exhibiting a Jesus who loves the Chinese and stands with them. On each visit, we had the opportunity to ask our hosts about their prayer needs. In summary, here are their petitions:

  • That they will remain strong in these days

  • That open doors remain so and new opportunities emerge

  • That the Holy Spirit will lead more young people to pursue theological study

  • As the number of churches is reduced, that the ones remaining will witness more boldly and courageously

Rev. Dr. Tom Boone

Associate Director for Mission